Monthly Archives:

July 2020


10 Budgeting Hacks you need to know

I am beginning to believe the one hack to life is to treat yourself as a business. That is having a mission and vision, goals to be accomplished, a budget and acquiring skills that will give you an upper hand among others. Budgeting is…

July 24, 2020

A Simple Guide to Effective Time Management

We all have 24 hours a day but how we plan for them greatly affects if we get to accomplish our goals. Do you track your time or anything just goes? Coming from a person who never used to manage her time, time management…

July 23, 2020
Person sitting crosslegged in a medidation pose

5 Signs you need to Start Meditation

Meditation is focusing on your mind by maintaining silence, by using music or chants for spiritual or relaxation purposes. Put simply, meditation is a mental exercise but some call it mental hygiene. Just as exercise and hygiene are essential for a healthy physical body,…

July 23, 2020