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Magical Masai Mara on a budget

Masai Mara National Reserve is in Narok county. You have to visit this place at least once in your lifetime. I had visited the park before, but when I was in my teens. So when I heard my friends were planning a trip, I…

October 25, 2021

Fierce and Bold Style – Step in Style with Adhiambo C

Step in Style is all about sharing and celebrating stylish people. People with impeccable style, those who have mastered the art of being themselves. I believe styling the most basic form of creation. The art of figuring out what you love, consistently embracing it…

April 30, 2021
stack of coins with words manage your money better

Manage your Money Better in 7 simple steps

Although finance is taught in schools, the importance and practicality of money still lack in education curriculums worldwide. How then are we supposed to learn how to deal with our own finances? Experts claim that people’s relationship with money is dependant on their behaviour…

February 5, 2021